Hello There!

I’m Samadhi, Welcome to my Blog!

I’m an animal and women rights activist, environmentalist, spiritualist, vegan, public speaker, blogger, professional dreamer and hopelessly hopeful. I’m on a mission to inspire positive change.

I started this blog to share my personal journey and experience with health issues, my transition to veganism, and my love for animals and this planet. It’s been a wild rideβ€”and it’s only just begun.

I’ve been vegan since 2015 and an animal rights activist since 2018. My ultimate goal is to use my voice (and words) to spread the truth about the animal industry, and its real effects on the animals, our environment and our health.

I want to share with you everything I’ve discovered and am still learning everyday, to help you on your journey to a vegan lifestyle.

In this blog, you will find my story, my research and findings, answers to common myths and questions that everyone has (I had them too!), product reviews, delicious and easy recipes, and a lot of tips on how to transition to a vegan lifestyle, and how to stick to it, as well as anything else you would be interested in knowing or would find useful.Β 

I hope you will follow and join me on this journey, to help me build a community of like-minded people, where we can learn from each other, help improve our lives and build a new improved world; where kindness, empathy and compassion are at the forefront of our day-to-day actions.Β 

I want to create an open conversation, a sisterhood of information, where all questions are valid, and we genuinely respect each other and our own journeys to a better and more kind life.Β 

The future is definitely vegan! Let’s be part of the right side of history!

The Long Story…

The daughter of a Rock Star and an undiscovered Artist. The younger sister of a musical genius. I am the textbook definition of β€œthe black sheep of the family”.

In this case, instead of a family of doctors, lawyers or engineers with the younger child wanting to be a musician; I am the younger child of a highly artistic family wanting to be the first person in the family with a PhD in my name.
Yes, I’m a nerd!Β 

I haven’t quite got there yet! But I already have multiple degrees in Communications, Marketing, IT, Design, Project Management, Business Management and most recently, Nutrition! Knowledge is my vice! I’m addicted to learning. But I’m also addicted to Art and Culture, through music, theatre, film, dance and travel but as a passive spectator. And I’m definitely a foodie too!

I was born in one of the biggest cities in the World, in Brazil and moved to Australia in 2003. My life is full of crazy stories! I feel like I have already lived so many different lives! I could have easily created a blog just to tell those stories, but that is not the reason I’ve decided to write. Throughout everything I went through in my life, my only true regret is not going vegan earlier! From a very young age, I knew instinctively that what we are doing to the animals is wrong, but the information we learn from society, the media, our culture and everyone around us make us doubt our gut feeling and just conform and follow the masses. I don’t blame myself or anyone in my life. I didn’t know any better, but I really wish I had.Β 

I decided to also share my personal story because, according to doctors, I’m a walking miracle! I should have died many years ago. I have been suffering from health-related issues since birth, and through the search for cures, I found out that not only I could heal by simply changing my lifestyle habits (nutrition, exercise, etc), but I also stumbled upon the truth about the animal industry, the real impacts on the animals, our environment and our health, and the lies we have been told for so long.Β Going vegan was the best decision I ever made, I can say that now I live a life in accordance with my values of equality for all beings, and against animal cruelty. I sleep peacefully at night knowing that my lifestyle does not contribute in any way to the unnecessary suffering of others.

In this blog, I hope to clarify a lot of the misconceptions people have about a plant-based diet and veganism. I certainly had a lot of doubts, questions and misinformation. It is, unfortunately, not common knowledge that this lifestyle is not only a much-improved way of living, but it can also literally save lives! It saved mine! A wholefood plant-based diet specifically can cure and prevent diseases, and it will stop the unnecessary torture and murder of billions of animals every year. It is also the best and faster option to stop the environmental destruction, and the best alternative to revert the already terrible condition our Planet currently faces.Β 

Imagine us living in a World where compassion and kindness is not given just to a minority but it is spread to all living beings equally! 

Imagine us having control of our health and knowing exactly how to better take care of our bodies, living a healthier and longer life as we were intended to from the beginning.

Imagine if we take care of our Planet like we treat our homes and guaranteeing it will always be as good for the future generations as it was for the past ones.


xx Samadhi

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